Web Design Resources

Motivation, Squarespace, Wix, WordPress Sharon R. Reaves Motivation, Squarespace, Wix, WordPress Sharon R. Reaves

Interested in a Career in Web Design? Low to no-cost ideas on building your portfolio.

Never in a million years would I have believed I’d end up having a career as a web designer but when I got the bug, I was unstoppable. The truth is I gave away a lot of work while I was building my portfolio. It was a worthwhile investment but here are a few ideas that may be helpful if you are considering a career change or ready to make the leap to freelance.

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Squarespace Sharon R. Reaves Squarespace Sharon R. Reaves

Squarespace 7.0 versus 7.1

True story, the first time I used Squarespace was about 9 years ago. A friend hired me to design a site for her new business and by "hire" I mean she was going to buy me dinner in exchange. At this point, I had been designing for fun for myself and friends and I had never worked with SS. Let's just say it did not go well. She "fired" me - though I still got a steak - and she hired a professional. It really hurt my ego but it also lit a fire and I've been obsessed with SS ever since.

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