The Basics of Your Keyword Search (SEO)


The first step is to create an account with Google Ads. On the top right banner, you will see a tab called TOOLS. Open Tools and select KEY WORD PLANNER.

Select FIND NEW KEYWORDS. You can scan a page from your site, scan the entire site or enter your own suggestions. Google will also make suggestions that you can include (or not).

Once you have selected keywords, Google with rate them by monthly searches and top of page bid. There is no commitment to create or pay for an ad but the higher the bid the more desirable so definitely include these if relevant.

From here, click on DOWNLOAD KEYWORD IDEAS found on the upper right corner of the screen. This will create and download a spreadsheet. This is where it gets “fun”.

The next phase is creating SEO descriptions for each page. Each page should have a unique description so start by listing each page: Home, About, Services, Contact, etc. Combine key words from your list into several sentences for each page. For example if my keywords are:

web design nyc
web designer manhattan
wordpress designer
top-rated web designer ny

One of my descriptions might read something like this:

Reaves Projects is a boutique web design firm located in Manhattan. Reaves specializes in WordPress and Squarespace design and has been listed among top-rated web designers in NY for the past three years.

Another place to hide keywords is in your page title. This is not visible to clients but shows up in the url so while your navigation is Home, your page title may read: HOME | WordPress and Squarespace Web Designer NYC which increases the authority and credibility of your site.

Also pay attention to the information listed in your Header tags and make sure your Header 1 and Header 2 tags include the most relevant information.

Last but not least make sure your overall content is relevant, accurate and unique. Avoid saying the same thing in the same way over and over. Synonyms are your friend.


Sharon R. Reaves

Freelance web designer based in San Francisco.

Optimizing Images for SEO


Thumbtack Interview with Reaves