Link Building To Increase SEO

Unless you have the good fortunate of celebrity status, your name is probably not enough to attract attention to your site. Your website should act as a repository for all related sources aka links to help elevate and provide authority to your site. The more valid (repeat, valid) links tell Google that you are legit and connected to other valid (repeat, valid) sites.

There are three common types of links: Internal — Links to other related content or pages within your website Inbound — Links TO your site Outbound — Links FROM your site

Many common links can act as both Inbound and Outbound.

  • Social Media (likes and shares count)

  • Links to related pages or content within your site

  • Press (you can link to an outside article or have them include a link to your site)

  • Google, Yelp and any local listing services

  • Booking or Calendar tools

  • Bios for organizations you belong to (be sure to reference your site)

So what can you link to or from? A few easy tips to get you started.

If you are on social media, include a link to your accounts on your site and list your website in the bio of your social accounts.

Within the body of your text, you might want to include sentences that allow for links to other content. For example, on your home page you may mention your services add a link or button to that page. Or if you have a blog, suggest related posts.

If you are a service provider, list your business on Google My Business, Yelp and White pages.

Last tip is to be patient as this make take time. Happy linking...

Sharon R. Reaves

Freelance web designer based in San Francisco.

Super Basic SEO


Redesign for Acting School